Anne Layton-Bennett

June 7, 2024

Inching forward. Still

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Hmm. Well, May came and went and I’m still writing but this book is getting there. Not an easy process and while I can honestly say I’ve not suffered the so-called writers block, there have been more stop-starts than I wanted or expected. Some of it down to the paid writing work, but life in general also has an impact on time at the laptop. After all the house still has to be cleaned, clothes washed and dried, meals cooked – and shopping done. And of course there’s our lovely new rescue dog, Badger to be walked and made a fuss of.

That said the end is definitely in sight. I’m much more focused than I was to begin with, and while there are days when the words don’t flow as well, the feeling after a day when they do, and progress has been made, is brilliant. I just want to keep going but I know now from experience that’s unwise. Far better to stop, leave it and watch an hour of television, or read a book instead.

Last night I made a pact with myself to get up early – if I woke up early – and write some more. Despite the frosty cold that’s what I did. It’s like a compulsion now and I don’t want to stop. Only to scribble another blog post for the website, so the few readers who are either regulars (hah!) or who stumble upon it and are perhaps inspired to browse for a while, may return.

How many words have I written so far? No idea. I stopped counting weeks ago but the draft I gave to my lovely writing friend Shirley, who has encouraged me from the beginning, and is a valued beta reader, looked alarmingly fat when I printed it out a month ago to give her. It’ll be even fatter now. I’ll receive her verdict next week, but I know her criticism will be kindly given, as well as valid and pointed. Until then, better keep going. At least I’m on the downhill run.









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