Philanthropic funds contribute to Tasmanian devil vaccine research
Assessing blue whale populations
Extinction looms large for our birds
Dogs may understand more than we know
Federal government confirms commitment to phase out live sheep export trade
Urban rewilding could help wildlife conservation
COVID-19 vaccine technology benefits devils
RSPCA calls for end to calf roping
Salmon farming a risk for marine life
The evolutionary fight against megafires
Australians support a legislated end date for the live sheep export trade
Artificial habitat structures for wildlife conservation: use with caution
RSPCA again urges end to live exports
Birds suffering in a changing climate
Bruce Englefield: the devil made him do it
Could marine mammals catch COVID-19?
Measuring devils' population decline
In dingoes, colour is critical
RSPCA chief scientist recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
For the birds: a chat with Eric Woehler
Predicting trends in live reptile smuggling
Tracking ecologically important marine regions
A ballooning environmental problem
New veterinary chief for Tasmania
Solving a piece of the DFTD puzzle
Face to Face: Wild, wild life: from volunteer to visionary
Greyhounds to be muzzle-free in Tasmania
Whales with a case of wanderlust
Anne Layton-Bennett is a widely published freelance writer with over 20 years of experience.
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